Saturday, November 18, 2006

A Good Night

This entry is backdated for the sake of organization. I couldn't have possibly posted this art on the day of the event, for I was out all damned night. In front of Walmart. Clay was in line for the Nintendo Wii, and I was there to keep him company.

Clay simply had nothing better to do than sit in the cold for 14 hours so he could be the first guy in Englewood with a Wii. I was all for it because I knew it'd give me the perfect chance to spend time with him without feeling like a bother. He'd be there either way, so I'm sure he preferred some company. It would have been a blast if Jim and Nick could have stuck around too (they visited for an hour or so), but I enjoyed every hour in the cold with just Clay.

I did a couple life drawings that night, as well as some situational cartoons. Drawing with cold fingers was a rather nostalgic experience.

Clay wasn't really an ingrateful bastard as he is in the cartoon below, I was just makin' a funny. Truly, he was very good to me.

I'm so lucky to have been able to stay there with him for the whole night -- it allowed me to reach a kind of contentus that I rarely achieve. It was a night well spent.

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