The shitty drawing above was actually created yesterday, during my fourth hour block-class when I was feeling feverish. I've been sick, man. Sick enough to miss out on school today. This morning I could hardly speak, my throat was so swollen and my sinuses so backed up. Gross. I wasn't planning on missing any class for a good while, but remembering how I was feeling yesterday -- suffering from illness while attempting to go through the academic motions -- I'm glad I did stay home. No misery here as long as I'm home alone.
Without my siblings heckling at me whenever I leave my room or my father's verbal abuse putting me down, I can enjoy living here. Well, as soon as I clean up the shithole first. Never do I miss an opportunity to do that. Believe me. If I can have only a few hours in this place when it's not a filthy pigsty hit by a tornado, I will work my ass off. Even if my dust allergies kick in like they did today and make it more painful to clean than usual, I'll give it my best shot. A clean, quiet place will keep me happy.
I'm gonna go watch Pulp Fiction again. Along with all my friends, I adore Quentin Tarantino. Hands up for generation X, mang! Woo woo.
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