He ranted about religious people and expressed his lack of vigor for life while we ate nasty shit at Taco Bell, then we set out for the closest graveyard. A well lit, quiet place. Little did we know, it'd be infested with bitey ants. Those insectoid bastards sure disrupted the flow of the session -- we had to move at least four times before we could get somewhat comfortable. It's hard to draw somebody while they're getting eaten alive.
We ended up packing up and giving Zac a visit, seeing how the drawings weren't working out under those conditions. I got fidgety and Dillon ended up looking blacker than black y'all in all my drawings. Here's the best of the afternoon:
Not so good, right? We'll do it again some time and I will take better advantage of having a free and willing model. For now, it's back to car-azy cartoons.
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